
Showing posts from May, 2016

Creating ExistentialRickBot, probably the silliest Redditbot yet

So I'd written SchmeckleBot , a simple bot that converts currency from schmeckles to USD. But I decided to go even simpler, still in the theme of Rick and Morty (if you loved Futurama watch this!). In the pilot episode, when Morty sees something during a chase scene that causes an existential crisis, Rick quickly snaps him out of it with the pithy quote ' Don't think about it! '. It should be immediately obvious that a reddit bot needs to exist and reply with that quote whenever an existential question is asked on the r/rickandmorty subreddit . And thus was born ExistentialRickBot . The core logic is dead simple, if an existential question is posted, respond with an existential answer. questions = [ 'why' , 'happen' , 'think' ] # Match if any of these are found in message def isExistentialQuestion (message): return '?' in message and any ([q in message . lower() for q in questions]) def getAnswerToExistentialQuestio

Writing SchmeckleBot, a simple Reddit bot

This post will discuss the ideation and building of  SchmeckleBot . So, before I wrote the Tensorflow chessbot , I wanted to learn the basics of building Reddit bots, and decided to choose something that was both fun and solved an existing problem. I frequent the / r/rickandmorty  subreddit, which if you haven't heard about it is a place to talk about Rick and Morty, a hilarious and awesome TV show (check it out if you're into animated TV shows like Futurama or Archer). Every so often redditors comment on a post saying they'll buy something for X amount of  schmeckles , a unit of currency from one of the episodes of Rick and Morty. Here's one such post Boogilywoo2   411 points   3 months ago   Hey there! I'm Mr.SculptureBuyer. I'll pay 50 schmeckles for that sculpture! According to the creator Dan Harmond a schmeckle is about $148 (the reason for this conversion is pretty great ). So 50 schmeckles would be $7,400 USD. We want a bot that respond